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Checks whether or not an operator is in the ball of separability centered at the maximally-mixed state

Other toolboxes required none
Related functions IsAbsPPT
Function category Ball of separability

InSeparableBall is a function that determines whether or not a density matrix is contained within the ball of states that are separable centered at the maximally-mixed state (more generally, it determines whether or not a positive semidefinite operator is within the ball of separability centered at an appropriately-scaled identity matrix). The size of this ball of separability was computed in [1].


  • ISB = InSeparableBall(X)

Argument descriptions

  • X: A bipartite density matrix (or any bipartite positive semidefinite operator).


The only states acting on $\mathbb{C}^m \otimes \mathbb{C}^n$ in the separable ball that do not have full rank are those with exactly 1 zero eigenvalue, and the $mn-1$ non-zero eigenvalues equal to each other. The following code highlights this fact when $m = n = 2$:

>> U = RandomUnitary(4);
>> lam = [1,1,1,0]/3;
>> rho = U*diag(lam)*U'; % random density matrix with eigenvalues [1,1,1,0]/3
>> InSeparableBall(rho)

ans =


>> lam2 = [1.01,1,0.99,0]/3;
>> rho2 = U*diag(lam2)*U'; % random density matrix with eigenvalues [1.01,1,0.99,0]/3
>> InSeparableBall(rho2)

ans =


Source code

Click here to view this function's source code on github.


  1. L. Gurvits and H. Barnum. Largest separable balls around the maximally mixed bipartite quantum state. Phys. Rev. A, 66:062311, 2002. E-print: arXiv:quant-ph/0204159